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Forum Threads Limiter
02 November 2008, 12:59:54 from Puma

Downloads: 14
Copyright: Copyright (C) Muscapaul 2008
Homepage: Link


* This infusion provides the possibility set a maximum number of new threads that can be created within a certain forum during a certain period.
* Any number of threads can be chosen.
* The period is given in whole days and is always determined in multiples of 24 hours from the present backwards.
So: The limit is set for a maximum of 'x' per 'y' times 24 hours. As soon as the the oldest of x threads falls outside the period, a new thread can be created.

* This infusion provides the possibility set a maximum number of new threads that a user can create within a certain forum during a certain period.
* The period is given in whole days and is always determined in multiples of 24 hours from the present backwards.
So: The limit is set so that a user can a create maximum of 'x' threads per 'y' times 24 hours. As soon as the the oldest of x threads falls outside the period, the user can create a new thread, provided that the maximum number set above is not reached.

* This infusion provides the possibility to set a maximum number of posts a user can do during a certain period.
* The period is given in whole days and is always determined in multiples of 24 hours from the present backwards.
So: The limit is set for a maximum of 'x' per 'y' times 24 hours. As soon as the the oldest of x posts falls outside the period, a new message can be posted.

* The strictest limit is always used.


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